
Dec 18, 2024: Great news to end the musical year on. I won the Singer/Songwriter contest at the Reeves Theater & Cafe in Elkin, NC and am headed to play on The Martha Bassett Show on May 15, 2025! (Tickets available here).
It was a festive, fun night of good music from all.  Thanks to the judges and to the Muddy Creek crew for the support!


May 22, 2024: What an honor to be tapped to play guitar for the glorious voices of The Inspirational Choir Of Harlem at the Caron Treatment Centers Gala honoring Stephen Stills with my musician brethren (of 40 years) Matthew Angus-Williams, Karl Dietel & James Garabo (for a mere 15 years..) We performed “For What It’s Worth” & “Find the Cost of Freedom”…with one of my guitar heroes watching from the front row (no pressure)…Later Stills treated the place to “Southern Cross”, “Outside Myself”, and closed with “Daylight Again” (introduced with a kind nod to the Choir and our version of ‘Freedom’). The Wrecking Crew with original member Don Randi on keys and his daughter Leah on vocals closed the night with a great set of some of the many, many hits that they recorded in the 60s. (Be My Baby, Rose in Spanish Harlem, ABC123…A legendary New York City night surrounded by the beautiful architecture of the old Bowery Savings Bank building that I won’t soon forget…Thank you Anthony Morgan!

“In the end I think of music

as the saving grace for all humanity.”

Henry Miller